September 2024
Dictated on Friday, May 5, 2006 – MCC8-55
Jesus Christ dictates to you: I bless you, My little flower.
Deep conversion
You are all called to follow Me, Jesus Christ, your Saviour, to find life. What are you looking for? Happiness, healing, the solution to so many problems…
All this you will find only in a profound conversion, placing the One and Triune God at the centre of your life.
God created you: He gave you a soul at your conception, so that you might live happily in His Image. If you recognise your Creator, if you become aware of your vocation of love, you will find happiness right here on earth. Not a superficial, human happiness that ends with the first trial, but the divine happiness of those who contemplate God and let themselves be united to Him in His great tenderness.
Then, knowing My Heart, you will be filled with the Light of the Holy Spirit, who is Love, and you will discover the happiness that only God can bring you, whatever the trials of life.
In God, you will find healing for your soul, and for your body too, both of which suffer from the consequences of sin.
In My Heart, you will be restored and beautified. In My Presence, you will begin to see again, and then you will radiate.
How many of you are drowning in difficulties because you have not respected the 1st commandment, which is the commandment of Love…
Haven’t you understood that you are children of God, on Earth to learn to love? If you lowered your ‘I’, your will, then My Holy Spirit would be at work in you to advise, enlighten and comfort you…
How many of you call upon the Holy Spirit to receive Divine Wisdom and Light?
Pray and you will be heard. Pray with your heart and your lives will be enlightened. Get to know Me, take Mary on this journey, and you will be nourished.
Then Life will regain its rights in you. Darkness will be chased away and you will become radiant apostles for this very troubled time in which you live.
Be happy that God is bending over you in this way, calling you to repentance and profound conversion; for your yes to God will save you…
I bless you who open your hearts to Me.
Jesus Christ
August 2024
Dictated on Monday 16 August 1999 – JRG 4 – n° 23
Jesus Christ tells you I bless you.
In My Tenderness, in My Heart, I welcome all the little ones who want to live in God. I take them into My Company to make them grow under the “sun” of Love.
So call all those who are hungry to come and find Me, to live in My Presence, whatever their past faults, for I will wash them, make them pure again, and they will be My children.
Do not reject sinners, however great they may be, if they want to meet Me, for I am the One who calls them My Tenderness is for them too. Give to those I place on your path, and be glad that I call the lost in this way.
Show My Love to all those who suffer from feeling unloved. Tell them that I am coming to revive them so much I love them, and that they will suffer no more, in My Heart.
Through My Message of life, child, I will melt hardened, frozen and lifeless hearts because it is My treasure for your time.
So go ahead, time is short.
May My will always be done in you.
I bless you.
Jesus Christ
July 2024
Dictated on Sunday 31 July 2016 – n°10-68
When man does evil, attacking the lives of his brothers – men – the devil is unleashed by the power given to him. And humanity suffers, more and more, until men understand that life can only be full in love and Truth.
God allows this to happen to a certain extent, because He has created man free to choose good or evil: He has endowed him with intelligence and graces so that he can blossom and live to the full. But if man refuses to listen to his conscience, he voluntarily chooses the path to perdition.
God will not allow this to happen for very long, because humanity has reached a point where it no longer knows how to deal with evil and violence…
Through all those who pray to Me and have kept a childlike soul, I will come and hinder all the despicable actions of those led by demons.
I will come and overthrow all those who, in their madness, think only of killing.
My Holy Spirit will come to breathe new strength into many of those who had forgotten and rejected Me. But because the Hour is terrible and I cannot abandon humanity saved by My Cross, I will show Mercy to those who want to fight against violence and hatred, and I will give them the intelligence to win.
There is still a little time for all this to happen, but take courage, My children, for I am coming, very quickly, and the Earth will be restored.
I bless you.
Jesus Christ.
June 2024
Dictated on Saturday 15 August 2009 – n°10-23
Choosing Mary
Mary ascended to heaven with her total purity: purity of soul, heart, body and spirit; a purity that made her say a loving yes to God at every moment.
Mary lived her trust in God so strongly that she carried divine hope and joy within her, gifts of the Holy Spirit for the souls of little ones.
How I would like each one of you to let Mary teach you on a daily basis, so that you may choose that profound purity that gives life to every human being… Through purity, you will obtain peace, profound joy, the strength of love, and your life will be a balm for the humble who seek God with righteousness.
Mary will teach you interior silence, that treasure that allows Me to meet you, to fill you with My Heart. She will guide you so that, by becoming true worshippers, you will gradually drive away all that is darkness, obscurity, evil…
Many times the heart of My Blessed Mother suffers, because instead of holding her hand, you stop looking at her and you fall into self-love, pride: you then lose the peace then My Holy Tenderness, and life is no longer in you…
How often I would like to say to you: ‘Look at Mary’: she is silent, gentle and firm, filled with My Peace and My Joy.
Follow her so that she may show you the way to heaven and deliver you from the spirit of the world, from the lack of patience and love that are in souls that are still too noisy.
By consecrating yourselves to Mary, you will obtain My Kingdom of Tenderness within you, which will illuminate your lives and all the souls you meet or bring to your prayers.
On this beautiful day, may everyone choose the path of humility, which is the path of Love.
I lovingly bless you.
Jesus Christ.
May 2024
Dictated on Thursday 8 June 2006 – MCC n° 8-60
Jesus Christ dictates to you: I bless you.
Let life enter you
I Am Life, and he who welcomes Me welcomes life into his whole being.
The Father has fashioned your soul for eternal life in Love. As soon as you are down here, in every moment when you live in surrender to the Divine Will, you can fully experience the peace of God, being joyful and happy despite the tribulations of this world.
Of course, human nature is fragile, and you have to grow in faith and lowliness to understand that.
All I need is the abandonment of your heart, and the humility of a toddler before what escapes you. Abandon yourself at every moment under My benevolent gaze, filled with Tenderness for those who accept My Heart.
Yes, God wants you to be happy, and if faith grows in you, you will see, despite every trial, that I AM the One who raises up, repairs, strengthens and fills you with My Holy Spirit.
Learn to welcome happiness in yourself, through your inner silence, your thirst for God… Learn to let go of your various worries, through your willingness to hope for the best that God has in store for you.
Dare to stop running and savour My Peace, which I give to the hearts of children. Take the time to observe nature and you will understand the wonders that God has done for you.
In the same way that plants live, so do your souls. Observe and you will understand the life of the soul, how much God cherishes you and helps you.
Flee all sin, all that is ugly, for your soul would then immediately lose divine peace and happiness. Go to confession very often, especially if your soul cannot rest, and life will be in you. You will learn to smile, to listen, to live.
Yes, of course, there are trials and tribulations along the way. But if you dare to take refuge in faith, in hope, if you agree to detach yourself from the trials to look towards Me, you will be helped at every moment.
Surrender, faith, silence, and God will live in you, radiating His Holy Tenderness for all.
I bless you who welcome Me…
Fleur, read this message at the meeting in Paris on Sunday and sing “Alleluia” to Me!
Jesus Christ
Translated with (free version)
April 2024
Dictated on Sunday 5 November 2000 – ( 2 h 45 ) – MCC 6 – 158
Jesus Christ is saying to you: I bless you.
Contemplate Me; and in this face to face encounter that I am offering you, I will invade you with My Light. May these moments of intense prayer, spent alone with Me, give you a profound union with My divine Heart.
Everyone is called to contemplation, albeit to a greater or lesser degree, for no one can radiate My Presence of Love if he or she does not live in the depths of My Heart.
Everywhere I look, I see lambs following Me but still stopping along the way, not daring to surrender themselves entirely to My Heart.
For you to be able to let yourselves be drawn into the ocean of My Sacred Heart, I need your total abandonment, at all times… If you only knew what happiness is experienced by the soul totally surrendered to My Hands, letting Me act for everything in it…
Children, let yourselves be united to Me. Become little ones, so little that you have nothing but a heart: Mine: your treasure.
Then, when you have reached the point where your soul is so transparent that it feels so empty, you will reach deep contemplation, the kind reserved for souls in love and passion, those who want to live and adore Me to the very end.
Let this cry spring from the hearts of all of you:
“Lord, allow me to contemplate You in all Your splendour, so that I may live. Purify me totally, so that I may surrender myself in constant abandonment to Your Will. Take everything from me, for life…”.
And then I promise you that I will rush towards you, filling you with My graces, setting you ablaze with My Holy Spirit, offering you to the Father… And in this profound contemplation that will be given to you, you will know true life, that which is eternal: life in God.
I call you all to recollection, to interior silence, to a heart to heart with Me. It is only in this cell of your heart, alone with Me, that you will be able to meet Me intimately. Let My passion for you enter into your hearts so that you may come to know Me in this way, so strongly that tears will spring up in you before so much Love that I bear for you, that I Am.
Let yourself be seduced by Me, little soul, for My Heart is a blaze of Love that wants to come and live in you. Let your abandonment be a love so strong that you no longer decide anything except to do My Will, for My Glory and for your happiness.
To those who will follow Me in this way, I promise a profound union, a transforming union, the bliss of the children of God.
I bless you.
Jesus Christ.
March 2024
Dictated on Friday 23 March 2001 -MCC6 n°201 – (5 h. 10)
Jesus Christ says to you: I bless you.
Message for the meeting in La Rochelle (March 25, 2001)
When you love Me with all your heart, desiring Me unceasingly, I then come to propagate in you the Fire of My Holy Spirit which withdraws from your soul all that is not of Me.
To be enlivened by My Holy Spirit, the Consoler of all distress, you must abandon yourself at every moment to My Heart, in the humility of the little child who knows nothing but expects everything from his mother with his heart and his trust.
My divine Joy, which is the only joy that can flood you at any time, even in suffering, you can know only by handing over your life into the Hands of the Creator.
I offer this Joy of My Presence to all of you here… It is obtained with My Cross. But understand what My children’s cross is…
When, by the Grace of Divine Mercy, you offer yourself totally to Me, with your miseries, your incapacities, with your repentance and a burning heart, I will lead you into My Intimacy. Day after day, I will reveal to you the treasures of My Heart, so that you will know how much I love you. And then you will turn away from evil, if you remain small…
The more you flee evil, the closer you will be to My Heart, which will overflow in you to revive you, heal you and send you to your brothers.
The joy of My Presence will be in you.
Know, however, that the Cross will come for everyone, but it is My glorious Cross that you will carry…
A soul offered entirely to God is the terror of Satan. The world will persecute you, for you will no longer be of the world: you will flee from its passions and its darkness: then slander will come.
It is in carrying this cross that you will discover an even deeper joy, that of a very strong union with My Sacred Heart. For your burning prayer will obtain for you the grace of forgiveness, peace and love in the face of your persecutors. That will be your victory and the glorious Cross that you will carry. In that forgiveness, joy will light up your life, and no one will take it from you. When you carry this Cross, you will know that I am leading you.
Then, freed from all worries, because you will no longer fear the Cross, you will go out into the world in search of those who desire Life.
Through this return of hearts, My Return in Glory will come.
I bless you who listen to Me [87].
Jesus Christ.
[87] Note from Françoise: When we do not know the Lord very well, in His intimacy (in Eucharistic adoration), He is not yet very present in our words, and so we do not “disturb” the demons that slumber near our brothers and sisters. But the more we encounter the Sacred Heart, the more we become a terror to Satan, who does his utmost to persecute us through souls caught up in pride, who find their (relative!) “comfort” disturbed.
February 2024
Dictated on Thursday 23 November 2000 – MCC6 – 167
Jesus Christ dictates to you : I bless you.
Children, I come today to bring you My Word of Tenderness, so that your hearts may feel how much I love them. I come to make you feel My Presence, to strengthen you against evil.
Pride is the source of all the evils that descend upon men. Source of darkness, of lack of love, of error…
If you want to live in My Light, to smile despite the trials, to love more and more and thus breathe, you must become humble like little children entirely abandoned in the hands of their mother.
I offer you My intimate Presence, perceived in the depths of your heart. But to receive it, you must become very small, rushing into the ocean of My Mercy, into repentance, the sacrament of reconciliation for the baptised.
When you throw yourselves into My Arms in this way, acknowledging your misery, your weakness, your pride, I will free you from the chains that drag you down. I will free you from the darkness that prevents your soul from living. I will give you the joy that never leaves.
If you only knew how much I want you to be happy…
It is not too late for anyone. Each of you here can surrender your pride to Me, whatever it may be; each of you should be overjoyed to be able to unload this burden into My Hands.
If you agree to become little ones, I will purify you, drawing you into the depths of My Sacred Heart…
With humility, the thirst for God will grow in you unceasingly. And this thirst is the greatest treasure you must ask for: then you will obtain it.
Anyone who does not thirst for Me at every moment is not yet entirely on the right path. But when your soul abandons everything into My Hands, passionate about My Heart day and night, longing for Me at every moment, I will work wonders.
Are you thirsty for Me at every moment? Do you burn with the desire to know Me to the point of consuming yourself in unceasing love? If not, then you must come to Me, with your misery, your inability, and say to Me:
“Lord Jesus, I don’t have this thirst,
I am incapable and a sinner,
I am not small enough,
But purify me
And I will be saved.”
Then I will invade you, leaving My Love of Tenderness in you, and you will live…
The more humble you are, the more you will receive My Presence. The more you will feel My Presence that I want so much to reveal in your time, and the more you will desire to be still smaller to know Me even more…
I tell you: Satan holds souls in his power through pride. The more you grow in Me, the more you will flee this sin…
I am giving you this sign to show you if you are on the right path: if your heart is passionate about Me, desiring Me unceasingly, if the fire of love burns in you day and night, if your dearest wish is to know Me more and more, if you cannot live a moment without My Presence, then you are on the right path, the only one, that of Love.
If this thirst for God is not yet in you, then rush to Me with deep repentance, and I promise to lead you on the right path.
Let each one look at himself, question himself, in the Light of My Holy Spirit…
I bless all of you who accept My Message. May My Joy be in you today.
Jesus Christ.
January 2024
Dictated on Friday 27 October 2000 – MCC6 n°153
Jesus Christ dictates to you: I bless you.
To reach My Heart, there is one door: that of love. It is through this door alone that you can meet Me intimately. And it opens only through your love for Me.
You know very well how much you want to give yourself when you love someone deeply. Well, it is the same love that I am asking of you for My Sacred Heart, a love that will grow unceasingly by My grace.
You should expect much more from Me. You should beg My Tenderness for you so that I may set you ablaze, with the Fire of My Holy Spirit, abundantly, so that you may shine unceasingly… You should feel more and more incapable and have more and more joy and faith in seeing yourselves like this: for it is then that I can melt into you to give you Life.
To the one who expects nothing from himself, but everything from Me, with love, I give everything.
You can receive this “everything” in the silence of prayer: no other way. I can only come to fill you if you come to look at Me, to listen to Me…
I need your silence, your personal, intimate encounter with Me.
In addition to community prayer, family prayer, I need each of you to come to Me, alone with Me, to meet Me intimately. If you do not offer Me this time, I cannot come to fulfil you… Everyone must come to know the Love I have for them.
Dare to come in this way, in silent prayer, and I will teach you. Everyone must know this Heart to Heart with Me… I love you so much…
Then, when you have tasted My intimate Presence, you will overflow with joy, with passion for Me, for you will know that I love you: you will feel guarded, protected, and you will no longer turn to sin.
Let everyone here throw themselves into My Arms, against My Sacred Heart, so that I may reveal My Tenderness to them. May each one feel My Look of Love upon him. May each one hope in My Coming soon in his heart and in My Glory.
I bless you tenderly.
Jesus Christ.
December 2023
Dictated on Wednesday 24 June 1998 – MCC3 no. 250
Jesus Christ says to you: I bless you. Come to Me.
At My side is Mary, Mother of humanity in distress. She begs Me day and night for you, so that I may forgive your sins and give you new life. Mary is powerful because of her love: give thanks to her because she helps you constantly. She carries each one of you like an orphaned child, so that she can give you her love as a Mother, the best you can receive.
Mary is Mother of all the children of the Earth (those who want to be): she helps each soul to give it the best, but you must listen to her. Mary redeemed all sinners with Me, and she continues to redeem for you, loving you with a love that knows no “bounds”. So receive her in your company: don’t forget your heavenly mother who protects you at all times. Learn to glorify Mary with your love. Ask her for forgiveness for so many offences against her Son, and you can be sure that she will forgive you and help you in every way.
Invite Mary into the heart of your soul. Ask her to form you, to transform you by leading you to Me. Ask her to make you artisans of peace, love and truth. She will grant your request.
I have given you the best Mother you can find: welcome her. She is leading you to Me.
Come back to Mary, I ask you.
I bless you, child.
Jesus Christ
November 2023
Dictated on Thursday, March 19, 2015 – MCC10-51
Jesus is coming
Even now, My chosen ones are suffering from the rejection of God by many souls. The world would like to live without its Creator in order to be free to do evil at the whim of passions. But man cannot live without God because he would annihilate himself.
The Church is persecuted because it says, and will always say, that man can only live by choosing good and rejecting evil. But she will win, truly, even if that seems so improbable to you.
Of course, I come to your aid wherever I see souls of good will. I help and revive, waiting for this new time that I have foretold to you.
I know how difficult it has become for you to bear witness, in the midst of unbelievers as well as believers. The world has allowed itself to be so perverted by all the vices that it has lost the most elementary wisdom.
Many trials have arisen from the choice of sin, and there is still more to come. Yet the dawn of the promised renewal is here.
Hundreds and thousands will open their hearts to Love, because the Creator does not want to let the world die of asphyxiation.
I am coming, with Mary and through Mary, in response to the prayers of My Blessed Mother and of all those who beg Me. I am coming, in your country, very quickly, to raise it up and give it back its roots… I am coming back, within My Church, to give it a new breath that will free it from so many errors and misguidance committed for wanting to change My Words of the Gospel.
How will all this happen? Because you will see My glorious Cross, you will see your souls at the same time and then you will understand and choose.
As for those who would say that My illuminated Cross in Heaven is created by human hands, I reassure you: they too will see the state of their souls and will know that I AM.
No, that will not be in “a long time” for you, flower: may this give you hope that nothing is lost, truly.
Until then, pray without ceasing, for your country, for humanity, for My Church, and believe: every prayer is heard, every prayer is answered.
My childlike love, peace and joy in your heart.
I bless you.
Jesus Christ.
October 2023
Dictated on Friday 1 May 2009 – MCC 9 – 80
Living the message of the conversion of hearts
My message of the conversion of hearts is for many whom I want to bring back to My Sacred Heart, giving them Truth and Life.
But few live it every day, letting themselves be moulded by the Father in Heaven… Many believe, welcome with enthusiasm, but continue to live far from My Sacred Heart, without living that deep and joyful intimacy that would restore them, without seeking that lowliness that is the key to the encounter with My holy Presence…
So I come to tell you: live My Messages, every day: they are a reminder of the Gospel with the nuance of My Heart of Tenderness: they are given to you so that your lives may be transformed by the Love that has come to dwell in you.
Littleness, simplicity, burning love for God, love for My Church; help Me to save your humanity through this Heart-to-Heart that I am asking you to restore and so that you may be instruments of My Kingdom of Love that is coming.
I bless all the little ones who go forward and hope.
Jesus Christ
September 2023
Dictated on Wednesday 14 February 2001 – n°191 – (3 h. 30)
Jesus Christ says to you: I bless you.
Message for the Oye-plage meeting (25.02.01)
Inner silence
My children, ask Me for the grace of deep and lasting interior silence, for it is only in this silence that you will meet My Sacred Heart.
Do not be so constantly agitated. You must come under My Look of Tenderness, abandoning yourselves entirely into My Hands so that I may nourish you.
A thousand thoughts, worries, fears and noises are constantly agitating you. And instead of coming to rest in My Heart, you keep running here and there, letting yourself be drawn further and further into the noise within.
You want to act too much on your own, far from My Look of Love. Then you are submerged by your weaknesses, and you do not find the Light of My Holy Spirit.
When you pray, do not repeat incessant vocal prayers. Do not run around saying that you pray like this. Let your spirit gather in Me, in silence.
The more you agitate yourself, the more the devil will drag you into the noise to take the Light away from you.
If your soul, if your spirit is incessantly noisy like that, how do you expect Me to come into you? You cannot look at Me while running like that.
Recollection can only be achieved through silence. Everyone must silence the noise that agitates them, by asking Me for this grace. Everyone must come to contemplate Me, to meet My Intimacy, alone with Me, in My Sacred Heart.
Find Me with your heart. You often want to come to Me with noise. Noise of your own making…
You want to pray at your convenience, chatting, listening to too many things, fussing all the time… How could I be silent when I see you going astray like that?
When you go on pilgrimage, attend a conference, or pray in community, be it to find My Heart: seek silence. Otherwise you will not find Me.
I love you so much. I want to fulfil you so much. But you let your restlessness feed you; you want to act for Me in your own way; you want to take everything in hand, to serve Me… But if you do not contemplate Me, in the silence of a deep heart to heart, you will not have divine charity, and you will not bear fruit.
Dare to turn away from noise and chatter; enter into silence, and there you will receive My Presence, and thus Life. You will rest in Me and breathe at last…
I bless you, little children.
Jesus Christ.
August 2023
Dictated on Tuesday 4 October 2016 – MCC10-73
God’s help
When evil is unleashed on Earth, I am there for all My children, protecting them and helping them. I am not indifferent to human suffering. I suffer with you, with everyone, and I help you every day.
Why is there so much suffering? Because man often chooses evil, thereby sinning against the Love that gives life. If man refuses to love, he lets the evil one have his way.
But I am constantly helping you, with Mary, with the holy angels. Very often you do not see the Divine action because you think you are alone in enduring the trials. Yet God sustains you and comes to your aid when you pray.
The earth trembles because of human hatred. But God does not let His Creation perish.
So keep on praying, My child: I listen to all your prayers, I accept all your sufferings, and I come to tell you: hope, do not give up. I am there and I come to lift you up, unceasingly, and to give you back your smile.
I bless you.
Jesus Christ.
July 2023
Dictated on Tuesday 23 December 2008 – MCC 9-47
Becoming love
My flower, all I ask is the love of the heart, the pure and profound love of the giver…
Every human existence must tend towards this love, which I want to see living and growing in you.
When you welcome Me, putting Me first in your life, I purify you, through the sacraments and prayer of the heart, making your thirst for My Sacred Heart grow, and thus your love.
I uproot the weeds in those who accept it, in order to unite them ever more deeply to Me.
But My infinite Love for you cannot stop there. Just as I am the Source that gives you an abundance of water, so you must become a river to give what you receive…
Every soul has a mission to give, albeit with different nuances. And it is from the moment when you love to give, when you dare to love with your heart, letting the Holy Spirit enliven you in this way, that I can accomplish My Work with you.
So, flower, when you see souls seeking Me with all their heart, through an upright and holy existence, and yet suffering from not finding the fullness of life that you can receive here below, it is time for these souls to set out to give even more: in this way they will find Me.
I call every soul to work at My Work to renew My Church and prepare My Return. Many are called to work together in various ministries.
He will come, with all the power of the Light that he is, to call you to love your brothers.
This Love of Tenderness and Truth that I reveal to each of My little ones, this gentle Face that I show you when you contemplate Me, is My Sacred Heart. In the same way that I love you, you must love, to live and make others live.
For your earth has become dilapidated because of the lack of pure, holy, deep love between you.
So if you love Me, love in turn, support one another, encourage one another with smiles and joy: I come to bring you the treasure of My Heart for your time: My holy Presence, which, like a fire, will spread more and more, through you, to restore this cold, cruel, lying and dark world.
Thus, your earth, so deeply redeemed, will know My Return.
Bless you, My little ones. May the Truth of the Gospel always give you courage and strength to defend My Heart.
May your faith be great… I am coming,
Jesus Christ
June 2023
Dictated on Wednesday 21 October 2015 – MCC10-61
Jesus and Mary return
The dawn is here, of My Holy Tenderness – which is Mercy – coming to break over the world, in all souls of good will. I am coming with Mary, My Blessed Mother, to give you the gift of living, with love at the centre of your lives.
Very often, sin has brought distress, pain and darkness to many souls; and these souls will find their way back to the path of Truth through the love deposited, felt, in their hearts.
This love is the divine love shining through all the little ones who love Me; it is also the Love that is My Holy Presence, offered by grace to many, directly into their souls.
I come with Mary to soothe, to console, to lift up. What do you have to do, My little ones who have already chosen Me? Love: give love and tenderness to those you see suffering. And if you cannot speak of Me, of My Sacred Heart burning with Love, because some souls are not ready, be love, peace, kindness, listening: and you will see that little by little the shells will expand and let the Light in.
Yes, love and yet denounce hatred, violence, impurity and all the evils of pride, the thirst for power and glory… but love and bring hope to all the hearts that welcome you.
Bless and uplift, and may your holy angels help you unceasingly.
I bless you, My child.
Jesus Christ.
May 2023
Dictated on Friday 18 May 2007 – MCC9 – 38
Prayer Assembly (in Paris)
I have given you Mary, My holy Mother, to help you all, helping you each day to grow, to know Me.
Your holy Mother in heaven knows you better than a mother; she is close to all those who implore her and seek life in truth.
Entrust yourself to My holy Mother, so that she may enlighten your path with her tenderness and maternal power. She smoothes out every wave in your soul in order to lead you to My Sacred Heart; she keeps your soul away from evil, protecting and enlightening it; she brings Me to you, after having prepared your hearts.
Let yourselves be purified by Mary, Queen of heaven and earth. Her love is there for every soul that allows her to renew its heart, choosing her with a sincere heart, accepting her loving advice…
Yes, hope in Mary, for I am coming back through her, for all the humble of heart.
In this month of May, may she offer you each, through your yes, to change your lives, so that you may discover the happiness of entering into the entire Will of God thrice Holy.
Through your profound and joyful conversion, through your total yes, your prayer and your praises will touch My Heart more and more, which burns to save you in your country so tenderly loved.
I bless you who welcome Me.
Jesus Christ
April 2023
Dictated on Saturday, October 18, 2003 – MCC 7-56
The return of Jesus
Jesus Christ dictates to you…
Be blessed, My little flower…
I am coming back, through My Eucharistic Kingdom. I am coming back through My Kingdom in your hearts, a Kingdom that will be established in souls of fire, adoring in truth.
I come to give the little ones a strength of love they do not suspect, to help them overcome the evil of your time.
This will be given to you during worship…
My Coming into hearts is for now, in your time. You must take Me at My word, with the faith of a trusting child…
The grace of My Presence, of My Intimacy, will pour itself into you if you accept the Truth, which I am.
No one can travel far if he does not have food. In the same way, if you welcome only a part of the truth revealed in the Gospel, you will not advance.
It is by bowing to the Divine Will – which is Love – that you will be filled with My Holy Presence which will fulfill you beyond your expectations…
Beware of those who want to exchange the words of the Gospel – which disturb them – for human and false words, contrary to Love.
My Coming into hearts will be for those who have accepted the Gospel, source of life…
You see, men want to ‘adapt’ the Gospel to your time so that they do not ‘adapt’ themselves to Love. Out of pride, because the Truth does not suit them, they prefer to transform the meaning of My Words…
And this is very serious, for they come to chase Me away while claiming to honour and serve Me.
I tell you: if they do not recognize the seriousness of their sin, they will not know My Kingdom in their hearts, but that of darkness…
My Return is for the little ones, those who wait for Me and hope for Me in humility, in a love of adoration, simply: they will see My Glory as they stand before Me, in the Most Blessed Sacrament, which I am…
This is coming soon, flower, for your time, for I am coming to drive out evil with strength. Do not ask yourself how, and pray. You will see, with your eyes, how I act, to save you…
Go: I bless you. Console Me with your lowliness and smile at Me.
Jesus Christ.
March 2023
Dictated on Wednesday 14 March 2007 – MCC9-32
Only he who contemplates Me, making silence within himself, can grow in humility, thus allowing himself to be stripped of everything that is not of God.
Community prayer must make you an assembly of humble souls, ready to abandon everything for your thrice Holy God.
Prayer, praise, adoration, strengthen you in the search and thirst for God Alone, in His Will so full of Love for you.
Seek humility as a very great treasure that will allow you to live in My holy Tenderness, in My Intimacy.
Push away from you all feelings of an all-too-human and not at all divine nature, those feelings that are self-love, pride, egoism, vanity, revolt; all that prevents you from tasting the infinitely Holy Love of God for you.
Through prayer, abandonment, adoration, through your free and determined will to renew your lives, God will give you the grace to accept humility, the starting point of a true conversion, a humility that must grow until your last day on earth.
Accept to detach yourself entirely from what is “of the world” and which occupies you too much; God will come to your aid by His Holy Spirit to advise you at all times, if you manage to put your love in Him alone, leaving aside your attractions for the things of this world.
True conversion demands of you that holy humility which is to recognise that so many things “of the world” still attract you, depriving you of the divine intimacy.
Forget yourself, turn to God to know Him, forget your “self” which prevents you from contemplating Me. Then, by your voluntary choice, you will grow in God, your community prayer will be a source of great benefits for all of you and for your country, for the whole world.
God reveals Himself to the little ones who offer Him everything, conscious of their misery…
I, Jesus Christ, bless you.
Jesus Christ
February 2023
Dictated on Wednesday, November 12, 2003 – MCC7-64
Meeting others
Jesus Christ tells you : I bless you.
The love of the brothers liberates the soul.
A soul that thirsts to become a ray of love becomes light, free of burdens… It becomes pure, day after day more and more, because it gives itself and then I fill it with My Grace.
To him who loves with all his heart, I refuse nothing.
Love your brothers with your heart, with tenderness. Dare to share your heart, nourished by Mine, with those who are thirsty. Many souls are thirsty for love, not knowing that God is the source of all Love.
Go to their aid, to meet them, and bear witness to My Sacred Heart by being yourselves a heart that loves…
May tenderness return to the Earth, flower… I desire it so much. May communication be re-established between men, directly…
Do you know how much men have let themselves be enslaved by the means of communication of your time? Without knowing it, they have become lonely, selfish, closed in on themselves, and sick, because their favorite companion is a screen, an object…
If you could see the cunning of Satan to lose souls…
Work, flower, so that men meet again, holily, and share their hearts, in Me, with Me.
I am here to help every soul of good will…
Help Me, My child. I promise you that nothing we do will be in vain.
I bless you lovingly.
Jesus Christ.
January 2023
Dictated on Thursday, January 4, 2001 – MCC6 – 180
Jesus Christ dictates to you: I bless you.
When you ask the Father for something in My Name, Jesus Christ, the Father will grant it.
This word, few put it into practice. Because you do not have the faith that comes from a heart set on fire by love.
What have I done in coming to earth among you? I have loved you to the end, I have come to teach you to love. I have come to heal you… You do not read the Gospel enough… if you read it with love, you will understand that I have come to free you from every chain.
To the one who wants to follow Me and welcomes Me with faith and humility, I give everything… You no longer believe enough in My benefits… I did not come to bring life, healing, only during My Passage on Earth: I am with you every day, until the end of this world, and forever.
You must find hope again; and this is obtained through prayer, deep contemplation, total abandonment, the sacraments.
I call you, but how many resist Me, making Me a God who brings suffering…
Live My Presence constantly and you will know Me. Accept to make yourselves very small and the Light of My Holy Spirit will enlighten you.
If I call you to profound conversion, to the total gift of yourselves, it is to bring you the life that I Am.
To know My Heart, you must surrender yourself totally, in trust. It is a decision that belongs to you. Then you will have the healing of your wounds, so diverse, so deep.
But God never imposes Himself. You are therefore free to choose each day My Will of Love, or yours. Believe Me, however: the enemy, evil, is relentless against you, made powerful by so many sins: he will never give you life, but darkness, gloom and suffering…
To each one here, I say: offer Me your heart in total surrender, offer Me every bit of your life, for love, come and know My Heart, and I will heal you, delivering you from all evil…
Little children, this is the end of this time that has known so much evil. Be courageous, solid and joyful, for I am coming again: My Glory is there, at your doors.
I bless you.
Jesus Christ.
December 2022
Dictated on Thursday 8 October 2015 n°10-58
Jesus comes with Mary
My loves of “little ones”, you who welcome Me, listen to Me, and put My Word into practice by loving and forgiving, by smiling and offering your sufferings, I come to bless you, to give you hope, to comfort you by saying to you: the Light is coming, on humanity, in the very midst of the darkness of your time.
The Light of My Holy Spirit is coming through the clouds of darkness heaped upon the Earth, and this Light will fill all souls of good will, all those who have chosen to love and seek the Truth.
To you, little children, I say: begin to smile, begin to live again in peace and hope that I am coming to chase away evil and share My Sacred Heart with you, intimately.
Yes, humanity will rise again, thanks to all your prayers, your offered sufferings, your gifts of love and your perseverance.
Although evil is at its peak at this time, with so much violence, impurity, selfishness, pride, I come with My Blessed Mother to repair, to raise, to revive and to vivify.
You will come out of these wars brought by evil and My Sacred Heart will be honoured, loved, welcomed by all those who prefer love to hate.
Yes, the Light of the Holy Spirit comes to invade the little ones, and the Earth will be reborn from its ashes.
I bless you, My little child,
Jesus Christ.
November 2022
Dictated on Saturday 10 January 2009 – MCC9-53
Reign of Love
My Kingdom in hearts is there, taking root in pure, loving, gentle hearts… It is being established with and through Mary who is teaching My little ones to love holily.
My Kingdom of Love, of Tenderness, comes in souls that have accepted to be purified of all evil, because they have chosen Me lovingly.
If you want to understand My Kingdom of Tenderness, you, soul who is listening to Me, you must let Me empty you of all noise, so that you may become silent. Then the Holy Spirit will pour Himself out abundantly on your heart…
Become silent and humble for love, drive out pride definitively by choosing to know Me out of thirst, out of fire. For if you do not come to beg by opening your heart to My Will, I can do nothing.
Become a flame that burns unceasingly, joyfully, because you know that I love you infinitely. Chase away the noise from your soul in order to listen to Me, in order to give…
For My holy Tenderness delights in the hearts of the little ones who have nothing but abandon themselves because they adore Me in truth.
Yes, hold yourself against My Sacred Heart, choose to become love, and I will come, restore you, and fulfill you.
For My holy Tenderness which is allied to all Truth, My Return in hearts, and the new Pentecost will cover the earth through the pure souls, the souls of the meek and humble of heart.
You, choose Me always more lovingly and follow Me where I am taking you…
I bless you.
Jesus Christ
October 2022
Dictated on Thursday 4 January 2001 – MCC6 – 179
Jesus Christ is telling you: I bless you.
When the soul opens its heart entirely to Me, giving Me its faith, its love, its misery, I rush into it to heal it deeply.
I am Mercy: I come to save you and to heal every disease of the soul, of the heart, and sometimes of the body too. My children, hope in Me; hope that I give you the life you have lost.
There is no problem, no disease, without a solution. I can free you from all suffering, heal all infirmities of heart, soul, mind, and body.
If you open your heart to My Word of the Gospel, you will obtain healing, regaining hope: and then you can in turn become little lights to help your brothers.
Come and unload your burdens: give Me everything that worries you, give Me your heart and ask Me for its deep healing, in faith. I will not leave you…
How many times have I wanted to hold each one of you close to My Heart, thus delivering you from spiritual and other diseases… But you often doubt My Love…
Love heals everything: but you must accept it, like a child.
Sometimes, you have physical sufferings to bear: that too, I can heal; and when I do not, I can give you all the strength, all the joy, to bear these crosses that each one encounters in his life.
Come and beg for healing. Come and praise Me, offer Me everything of yourself. And I will heal you, I will heal you.
Let your prayer be love, peace, praise. Rest in My Heart in a great inner silence, and you will see My wonders of graces deposited in you…
It is in total surrender to My holy Will that you will receive the profound healing of your whole being.
I am good and gentle. I am ready to give you life again. Let yourself be loved by Me.
I bless you.
Jesus Christ.
September 2022
Dictated on Tuesday 9 May 2006
Jesus Christ dictates to you: I bless you.
Peace to the soul that consecrates its life and heart to Me, for he who chooses Me is on the way to a blessed eternity.
Peace at every moment, under My gaze, so that you may become peace for others.
Whoever prays with his heart, entrusting his whole life to Me in joyful abandonment, finds My Peace if he welcomes it.
For this, no inner noise, no turning in on yourselves, no vain thoughts. Know how to empty yourself in order to look ‘out to sea’, like the horizon on the sea.
Your ‘open sea’ is My Sacred Heart. Looking towards Me, you will forget your misery, which I will take care of, and you will allow Me to raise you up…
Then, peace to the humble, by their simplicity, their abandonment.
Let each day be new for you, under the loving gaze of God. Flee from habits, whether earthly or spiritual. Let yourselves be led by faith and peace will be your companion.
I bless you.
Jesus Christ
August 2022
Dictated on Saturday 15 August 2009 – MCC10-23
Assumption of Mary
Choosing Mary
Mary ascended to heaven with her total purity: purity of soul, heart, body and mind; a purity that made her say yes lovingly to God at every moment.
Mary lived her trust in God so strongly that she carried hope and divine joy within her, gifts of the Holy Spirit for the souls of little ones.
How I would like each one of you to let Mary teach you in your daily life, so that you may choose that profound purity which vivifies every person… Through purity you will obtain peace, profound joy, strength of love, and your life will be a balm for the humble who seek God with righteousness.
Mary will teach you inner silence, that treasure which allows Me to meet you, to fill you with My Heart. She will guide you so that, by becoming true worshippers, you will gradually chase away all that is darkness, obscurity, evil…
Many times the heart of My Blessed Mother suffers, because instead of holding her hand, you stop looking at her and you fall into self-love, pride: you then lose the peace then My Holy Tenderness, and life is no longer in you…
How often I would like to tell you: “Look at Mary”: she is silent, gentle and firm, filled with My Peace and My Joy.
Follow her so that she may show you the way to Heaven and deliver you from the spirit of the world, from the lack of patience and love that are in souls that are still too noisy.
By consecrating yourselves to Mary, you will obtain My Kingdom of Tenderness within you, which will illuminate your lives and all the souls that you will meet or carry in your prayer.
On this beautiful day, may each one choose the way of humility, which is the way of Love.
I bless you lovingly.
Jesus Christ.
July 2022
Dictated on Monday 5 January 2009 – no. 9-50
Contemplate Me always so lovingly, for My Look wants to fill yours.
Contemplate Me to let My Smile come into you: the smile of My Tenderness for the pure of heart.
Every time you come against My Heart, My Love overflows on your brothers, because of your deep union with Me.
Glorify the Father by your surrender to the Sacred Heart of His Son, in your all-ness.
Glorify the Holy Spirit by letting Him flow in you while you are with Me.
And glorify Me by your trust for I am the One who renews everything for you.
Be very close, be intimate with Me, even more so: it is My Kingdom of Tenderness that wants to grow in you to make you live, so that you may spread My Love to all…
Thus, I will save souls from blindness, from spiritual death. Even if you do not see all these souls that I am saving, believe firmly that through the exchange of our glances, through this loving silence, I am saving, a little everywhere, wherever you ask Me.
Joy for you, flower, in adoration…
Jesus Christ
June 2022
Excerpt from a message dictated on December 13, 2006 – MCC9-48
Learn to share your heart, to give of yourselves, to offer your love, your attention, your listening; learn to forget yourself to turn to your brothers; learn to ignore your self to answer My Call; learn to let the silence in you so that My Holy Spirit may come down and enlighten you, for yourself and for your brothers.
Your vocation is to give yourself after having been nourished by My Love. If Love does not overflow onto your brothers, by sharing your heart under My gaze, you will not grow or be truly converted.
God gives Himself in abundance to the one who loves. He who does not love, keeping to himself what he receives, will be deprived of My Presence which is a river that must flow without end. If man puts a barrier to this river of love, claiming to love Me and not giving his heart in turn, he will deprive himself of this river of Love – which is the Holy Spirit.
The more love you give, the more God will fill you. Then you will be souls radiant with My Holy Presence and thus help Me to save your humanity. May each one welcome Mary into his or her heart, so that she may surely lead him or her towards the whole Truth, towards the Love that is gift, that is sharing.
Let each one open his heart to Me completely, accepting to let go of his “self”, and you will become a resting place for My Heart; then, all together, united by prayer, you will be a small victorious army over the evil at work in your country.
I bless you, My little ones…
Jesus Christ
May 2022
Dictated on Friday 18 May 2007 – MCC 9-38
Prayer Assembly (in Paris)
I have given you Mary, My holy Mother, to help you all, helping you each day to grow, to know Me.
Your holy Mother in heaven knows you better than a mother; she is close to all those who implore her and seek life in truth.
Entrust yourself to My holy Mother, so that she may enlighten your path with her tenderness and maternal power. She smoothes out every wave in your soul in order to lead you to My Sacred Heart; she keeps your soul away from evil, protecting and enlightening it; she brings Me to you, after having prepared your hearts.
Let yourselves be purified by Mary, Queen of heaven and earth. Her love is there for every soul that allows her to renew its heart, choosing her with a sincere heart, accepting her loving advice…
Yes, hope in Mary, for I am coming back through her, for all the humble of heart.
In this month of May, may she offer you each, through your yes, to change your lives, so that you may discover the happiness of entering into the entire Will of God thrice Holy.
Through your profound and joyful conversion, through your total yes, your prayer and your praises will touch My Heart more and more, which burns to save you in your country so tenderly loved.
I bless you who welcome Me.
Jesus Christ
April 2022
Dictated on Sunday, April 1, 2001 – MCC6 – 206
“Carrying My Cross
Jesus Christ dictates to you: I bless you.
When you hand over your will into My Hands, at each passing moment, you will know My divine, profound Joy, which no one can take away from you.
And you also know My Cross, glorious because by putting your steps in Mine, you have the victory.
He who does not carry My Cross does not know Me intimately, deeply. The Cross is coming, for each beloved who accepts to be set on fire for Me.
If your soul still behaves according to the spirit of the world, if your heart does not thirst for Me every second of your life, the whole Truth cannot enter you. Then evil the prince of darkness does not fear you, and continues to keep you in spiritual torpor…
But if your soul is consumed with love for My Sacred Heart, contemplating Me unceasingly in a profound interior silence, My Holy Spirit will descend upon you, day after day, forming you, consoling you, teaching you the Truth of the Gospel.
In this union of your heart with Mine, there will be no more room for evil. And then you will be a danger to Satan, because Love and Truth terrify him…
There, you will meet My Cross… Persecution, mockery, slander, nothing will be spared you because evil cannot contain itself before a soul that loves God.
But your strength will be My Love. Your joy will be in forgiveness, in humility, in abasement before those who persecute you. Your victory will be in your silence of love in the face of hatred. Thus, I will fill you with My Presence, holding you close to My Heart at every moment.
And no one will deprive you of My Love…
Believe that, whatever the devil undertakes against you, he will never be able to inflict more crosses on you than I allow. When he tries, I overthrow him with power…
Feel fulfilled when you carry My Cross. It is a sign that you are close to My Heart.
Soon, very soon, I will return among you. I am coming back into your hearts, offering you My Presence, in your so troubled time. And I will come in My Glory to overthrow evil…
Watch; be little torches burning with love. Let no one force you to accept errors and lies. Obey Pope John Paul II. Declare yourselves for Me, openly, defend Love, protect the poor, and believe that I will declare Myself for you when the time comes…
Be ready to endure any trial to defend the Truth. If you put your will in Mine, My Peace, My Joy, My Tenderness will keep you unceasingly.
I bless you, you who desire Me.
Jesus Christ.
March 2022
Dictated on Friday 1 May 2009 – no. 9-80
Living the message of conversion of hearts
My message of conversion of hearts is for many whom I want to bring back into My Sacred Heart, giving them Truth and Life.
But few live it daily, letting themselves be moulded by the Father in Heaven… Many believe, welcome with enthusiasm, but continue to live far from My Sacred Heart, without living this deep and joyful intimacy that would restore them, without seeking this lowliness that is the key to the encounter with My holy Presence…
So I am coming to tell you: live My Messages every day: they are a reminder of the Gospel with the nuance of My Heart of Tenderness: they are given to you so that your lives may be transformed by the Love that has come to live in you.
Little ones, simplicity, burning love for God, love for My Church; help Me to save your humanity through this Heart-to-Heart that I am asking you to restore yourself and to be instruments of My Kingdom of Love that is coming.
I bless all the little ones who go forward and hope.
Jesus Christ
February 2022
Dictated on Friday 3 October 2014 – n°10-47
Little ones to go forward
My beloved children, be little ones to go forward: be confident in your God of Love and drive away any anxiety that might prevent you from going forward. Thus you will see that the Holy Spirit guides you gently as you become simple and open to Grace.
Do not worry about tomorrow: every day, do your best and you will see that I help you with everything thanks to your good will.
Have the desire to love, always more, for it is this holy desire that will allow Me to vivify you, every day, and make you grow.
Be simple, happy in My Intimacy, alive and solid: I am with you, I, Jesus Christ, and I bless you.
Jesus Christ.
January 2022
Dictated on Friday 18 March 2011 – MCC10-39
Confidence in the night
It is I, Jesus Christ, who blesses you and dictates to you. My little flower…
When you are thirsty for Love, you look here and there, within Creation, for what will fill your thirsty soul in this time of darkness.
God has given you the Earth, with the creation it contains, so that you may live fully; but this fullness of life in the midst of the Earth can only be if you live in My Sacred Heart, intimately united to Me, with Mary. Then the Earth will fulfill you, whether in your relationships or by its beauty, because you will see your whole daily life in the Love that I Am.
The evil one is constantly at work to try to discourage you, making you lose hope in a life filled with Love. So many souls accept sin that everything seems hopeless…
Yet, I guard and protect you with such great Tenderness… I pamper you, lead you, in spite of the trials, so that you may be renewed, fulfilled by My Heart.
Sometimes the night is there, in your souls, when the suffering is long: but I would like to tell you each one: always keep confidence in My Sacred Heart, whatever you are going through, for if you love Me, choose Me, I will never abandon you. No situation can prevent Me from rescuing you at the moment I choose.
Offer Me your yes, constantly, even when you can no longer see clearly, and you will see that Love will console you, restore you, and help you each day much more than you hope for at this moment.
I ask only for trust, humility, thirst for God; and you will see that My Consolation for you will fill your days also through My creatures and My Creation.
After this night that so many little ones are experiencing at this moment, the profound and divine joy will arrive for everyone here on earth and you will then be radiant with My Love to help all those who are still far away…
Hope, confident offering of your present sorrows, and great faith: the love that you need so much is part of the gift that God wants to give you: let yourselves be filled with My Grace that is there at every moment.
I lovingly bless you who welcome Me.
Jesus Christ.
December 2021
Dictated on Thursday 11 December 2014 – MCC10-49
Christmas Message 2014.
Behold, the feast of My Nativity is approaching, and how I would like everyone to wait for Me in their hearts, with love, with joy…
Many have forgotten Me, denied Me, especially in your country. But in response to all My little ones who unceasingly pray to Me to save you, I will come and revive so many spiritually dead souls.
May this beautiful feast be for everyone a moment of joy, love and hope, in spite of all those who chase and persecute Me again. Be anchored in My Sacred Heart, resting in Me for so many sins and resting in My Holy Tenderness.
United in Me, with Me, with your Holy Mother, you will live then, sharing the wonders of graces that I want to offer you. Be: love; and shine through the One who comes to visit you: Jesus Christ.
I bless you all who welcome Me.
Jesus Christ.