Jesus’ Work of Tenderness
On 21 July 1994, Jesus said to Françoise,
“My child, I give you this blessed work of God, from this day on, so that you may give it to humanity in distress…
“May My peace and joy accompany you throughout this work which will be for many a grace of conversion and of return to your Jesus”.
“You will be My emissary sent to the four corners of the world in order to satisfy My wish that you participate in the salvation of the world.
Françoise, a French mother, is the instrument chosen by Jesus to reveal to the men of our time, His Tenderness, His Love and the whole Truth of the Gospel. Françoise is a Catholic and is advised and encouraged by her spiritual father.
Since January 1994, Jesus has manifested Himself to her, to teach her and form her for her mission. Jesus brings us, through her, His word of Tenderness to set our hearts on fire with the fire of Love, the fire of the Holy Spirit. We are loved by God infinitely, tenderly and He desires to make us meet His Presence of Love. Are we not on earth to learn to know our God intimately, to adore Him and to give His Love to all those we meet?
Love and Truth are at the heart of this Message.
This work of love is first of all this Message dictated by Jesus to Françoise, He said to her on Thursday, July 21, 1994, “My child, I give you this blessed work of God, from this day on, so that you may give it to humanity in distress, when I tell you.
May My peace and joy accompany you throughout this work which will be for many a grace of conversion and return to your Jesus…”
This Message is spread in the form of books, and through conferences by Françoise.
Several books have been translated into German, English, Italian, Dutch and Hungarian.
This work of love also includes prayer groups, requested by Jesus, “Messengers of God’s Tenderness”, which meet at least once a month, in France and abroad.
It is also the foundation of a first community in Brittany according to the desire of Jesus, under the name: Foundation of Mary, Our Lady of France: “The Heart of Tenderness of Jesus Christ”, which welcomes retreatants thirsty for the Heart of God.
Finally, it is an association, founded on September 25, 2003, between the members, governed by the law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901, having for denomination: Association Notre Dame du Sacré Coeur-mtd, whose goal is the administrative management of all the activities related to this Work.