Jesus'Message of Tenderness

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Presentation of the Messages (Father Jean D.)

I still remember Françoise arriving with a thick file of what she called “messages from Jesus”. One could not be more sceptical about these texts from above than she was herself. And this gave, at first sight, a favourable prejudice.

Reading these texts, wonderful, clear, incisive, demanding and gentle at the same time, one is moved. Jesus who speaks in these pages, and who gives proof of His divine identity in each message (a subterfuge by the enemy is always possible!) shows Himself to be so loving, I was going to say, so full of tenderness, that one cannot but open one’s heart.

Jesus Himself says: “I, the Christ, give this work to the world as a sign of My deep and infinite tenderness for men, a tenderness so forgotten and passed over in silence by the souls of this time.

From 1994 to date, Jesus has dictated to Françoise :

4 books under the title “Jesus returns in His Glory .

10 books under the title  “Messages of conversion of hearts”.

1 book under the title “Jesus comments to the little ones the Gospel of Saint John”.

1 book under the title  “Jesus Christ reveals to his own what Freemasonry is”.

1 book of prayers given by Jesus Christ to Françoise.

To date, only the books “Jesus Returns in His Glory” 1,2 and 3 have been translated into English. You can order them online, on the French website under “librairie, dons et adhésions”.