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Mary's House

I, Jesus Christ give this Message to the world as a sign of My infinite Tenderness, a Tenderness destined for every soul who wishes to live in Me
Meditation for this week
“I will raise you in My Love, for as little as you desire; I will make you know the treasures of My Sacred Heart provided you let Me inflame your heart with the desire for God .” MCC1 of October 14, 1995
Jesus tells us :
"Each day proposes to each one to open his heart to the action of the Holy Spirit. Every day, God can guide in your daily life those who favour Love. So, hope, for even in the midst of the unbelievers there will arise little ones who open their eyes and choose to love." Message of Jesus No. 46 of May 1, 2020 - Booklet dictated during the confinement of France.
"Offer Me your silence, even if you do not yet perceive My Work in you that is accomplished through this silence. Be persevering and joyful in contemplation, and you will see I Am." MCC8 – 31
"When a soul agrees to detach itself from the world to be entirely with Me, I am very happy. And I constantly ask it to grow in surrender so that it finds true life." MCC6 – 92
"Believe that My Sacred Heart can do everything for His little ones; that nothing is impossible for Me. Be unceasingly in love, in My Peace, in the silence of your soul." MCC10 – 7
"Holy Spirit, you who give in superabundance to the one who opens his heart, come down in us for ever, giving us to shine for your Glory. MCC8-13
Give Me your hearts entirely so that the earth may blossom again and evil may not fall upon you. Give Me your love, so that I may be glorified in each of you. MCC4 – 135
"Spirit who enlivens every soul that welcomes You, come and purify our hearts so that they may become love. Come widely, cleansing every part of us, that we may be free from the bondage of sin." MCC8 – 14
"I am Peace. He who prays to Me, in the trusting and joyful humility of the little one, finds and receives My Peace. He who dares to humble himself like a child, is filled by My Heart". MCC8 – 48
"Let each one know how much I can fill a soul that offers itself to Me. Let each one taste this divine mystery which is the encounter between the Creator and the creature." JRG4 of 30 August 1999
"The soul receives the gift of faith, from the Father; but it is the prayer of the heart, the life in God freely and voluntarily chosen, that will enable it to grow." MCC8
"Trust in God, in Mary, for everything you ask. God is not inactive, watching you suffer. How I would like your faith to awaken more..." Message of Jesus n° 18 of April 03, 2020 - Booklet dictated during the confinement of France.
"When joy comes into you, it is My Holy Spirit who invades you. He does this (come into you) when your love and faith are there. Then He can illuminate your soul. When you receive this joy that you feel, walk without fear: the Spirit of God is in you." JRG4 of 12 August 1999
"He who places everything in My Hands, desiring to worship and know Me, need not worry any longer, for I take care of him as of an infant, and in spite of every trial, he will be alive, strengthened and restored..." MCC8 – 32
"Listen: constant prayer is what allows you to never lack My Presence; Be in constant prayer." MCC2 of 5 October 1997
"Mary is the way that leads to Me, the Christ, for she can teach you to burn with tenderness for Me and to feel My Sacred Heart in its infinite Love. Only on this condition will you succeed in uniting your hearts in Me, the Christ..." MCC1 of September 26, 1995
"What is essential for any soul who wants to live is adoration and then the giving of oneself to other souls, in simplicity. The rest will pass, My flower." MCC7 – 30
"Let the truth be in your hearts, so that everything that comes out of you (act, thought, word) is love: love from the depths of your heart, which burns to flow ever more deeply into the ocean of My divine Mercy, which allows you to come closer to Me by purifying yourself at every moment if your desire is only to love Me." MCC1 of September 17, 1995
"The Holy Spirit comes upon those who contemplate Me "on the mountaintop", in all lowliness: He comes in inner silence... And He gives divine and profound joy to the soul of good will." MCC7 – 22
"I will raise you up in My Love, if you so desire; I will make known to you the treasures of My Sacred Heart provided you let Me inflame your heart with the desire for God. MCC1 of October 14, 1995
"I love you with an infinite Tenderness: you must love with My Tenderness... This Tenderness of My Heart makes you humble, patient, at peace, smiling, compassionate..." MCC7 – 52
"Grow in Me, little child, so that you may be a fragrant flower for my Heart. How must you grow? By being ever more trusting in Me, ever more humble, joyfully surrendered to My Will of Love for you. “ Excerpt from the Message of God the Father of December 27, 1999 - Book IV - Jesus returns in His Glory .
My little ones, I love the loving silence of souls who want to live in My Intimacy. For it is only in this silence that Love can dwell. So in this Holy Week, learn to let yourselves be united more and more in this silence where Peace will come to dwell."
Message N°24 of the booklet dictated during the confinement of France, April 09, 2020.
"When man's heart burns in adoration of Me, I pour Myself into him entirely, filling him with My Graces, with My Love. To the one who accepts everything from Me, in a boundless passion for Me, I reveal My Sacred Heart without limits..." MCC6 – 125
"If there is not a deep heart-to-heart between God and His creature, there is no life in the soul. When this heart-to-heart exists, the tree bears its fruit: the soul becomes loving, patient, wise and gentle, humble and discreet." MCC7 – 25
"The more love you give, the more God will fill you. Then you will be radiant souls of My Holy Presence and thus help Me to save your humanity." MCC9 – 18
"If you love, if you forgive, you will see countless graces of healing and conversion flowing in. May this encourage you to love more and more in your daily life and to pray to Me with faith to help you." Message No. 17 from the booklet dictated during the confinement of France, 02 April 2020.
"To love is to be good, compassionate, happy to bring a little happiness, joy, presence. For this, be always more intimate with Me: filled with My Presence, you will become a gift for others." Message N°13 of the booklet dictated during the confinement of France, March 29, 2020.
"You see, I would so much like men to understand how love is the source of all life... But we must become like children to understand it. Then humanity will heal..." MCC10 – 69
"He who loves here on earth finds conversion and the grace to go forward. So love, My little ones, do good around you by your ability to love God, and then therefore others."
From message number 39 of April 24, 2020 dictated by Jesus during the confinement of France.
"Yes, indeed, your God is compassionate enough to lighten your burdens, to come to your rescue when something goes wrong. Have hope, no matter what happens, for evil will be transformed and become a source of grace." JRG3 of 16 October 1998
"Continue to live under My Look of Tenderness, aware at every moment of My Love. Then you will become sweet day after day, for God is constantly transforming and renewing you. MCC8 – 53
"Calm those who run without stopping to contemplate Me ... For they must meet Me, intimately, day after day, they must be in love with My Sacred Heart, to become love for their brothers ... And do you know what they need? Yes: a very great humility. MCC7 – 41
"Come to Me and find the Light through repentance. When you return, forgiven, you will become a source of life for your brothers. You will radiate My Presence and My Peace. MCC4 – 41
"Come and change our hearts, burn everything in Your path so that we may be delivered from all that oppresses us." MCC3 – 163
"If you listen to My Heart, you will know My wonders. Because I will train you, you will understand My word and My Mysteries. Therefore, learn to meet Me so that I may sanctify you by My Presence, gently lifting you up against Me." JRG2 of July 16, 1986
"Because you have welcomed the inner silence, which I desire in every soul, you can listen to My Holy Spirit who shows you how to go forward." MCC7 – 33
"You see, when the soul surrenders with confidence to My will, knowing that I will do everything out of Love for it, I reveal My Heart to it even more deeply. JRG4 of October 7, 1999
"Honor Me with your purity and your desire to do well, and then I will be happy to come into you. We will rejoice together. Learn to discern the One who is coming into you. Do not let Him leave without a look of love. Understand that you are the altar in which I come." MCC3 - 114
"Therefore, always be in My Peace. My Peace is a source of happiness for the whole being. It comes in a heart that trusts in Me, who is Love, Mercy, for those who seek Me... The Peace of My Heart is My Presence, which I give you, accompanying you thus, unceasingly." MCC7 - 47
"Prayer is strong when it comes from the heart. I always listen to you. It is good to pray with heart, with frankness, but you must be sure that I answer you: that is part of prayer." JRG3 of October 11, 1998
"Live in Me, in My Sacred Heart that gives all life. Come and take shelter there and be reborn in the Spirit. Let My Spirit dwell upon you and enlighten you. Then you will know the Glory of Him who is." JRG3 of 04 October 1998
"Keep your soul completely transparent, empty of any thought that would draw you away from Me. It is in this way, through your inner silence, that I can invade you so much." MCC6 - 104
"In order for Me to enter into hearts, burning them with My Love, My Tenderness, then giving them to adore Me in truth, I need them to listen to Me and desire to be silent to hear Me." MCC1 of November 19, 1995
"To become Light is to let the Holy Spirit come down into you, through your instantaneous yes to your thrice Holy God. It is to continually reject anything in your heart or life that is not of God." MCC9 - 28
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